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Old 13-08-2006, 10:04 AM   #10
Force Fed Fords
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Originally Posted by AC/DC
Dump em in an industrial bin behind some store ! ! ! !

( yep, , thats the wrong thing to do, , but its easy ! )
Very irresponsible. Furthermore, you admit it's wrong yet still advocate doing it. If you can't afford to go to a tip or do the right thing then you need to cut back on some of your excesses. I had some tool dump stuff outside our factory, and I caught the bastard as I was driving down the street and he was coming out of my driveway. Followed him to his house, where I then called the police and had the cheap skate loser charged. Why did I do it? Well, that's best answered by asking this; how would you react if you found someone had dumped a truckload of rubbish at your place?
It's not a victimless crime, and its a further erosion of civility in our society where self absorption is becoming the leading trait. Someone has to pay for the removal, and by making your problem someone elses with no regard for anyone else it just looks like you lack any form of responsibility or maturity or worse, that you are just a selfish ********.

Additionally, illegal dumping has got some serious fines applied to it; not to mention that lpg bottles are also illegal to dispose of in that way. The compactor trucks that pick up these bins compress the load and thats when gas bottles explode under pressure. For the damage you can potentially cause the truck, as well as the fire hazard, you'd really have to be as dumb as a sack of hammers to dipose of them this way. Furthermore, in the off chance they explode the company will in fact pursue the case forensically as a formality required by the insurance company. This means you.
I know of a case where a serial dumper was caught, forced to pay a massive fine and then had to pay for the repairs to the truck. In true fashion he declared himself bankrupt.

Ring your local tip and ask what their disposal fees are, as the only safe way to dispose of used gas bottles is to have them decommissioned by a professional. When you drop the tanks off they are removed by a company that treats them like they are full, and wisely has the facilities to capture the remaining gas, rather than just venting it out in the open. Old tanks are then drilled and deemed safe to be treated as scrap metal.
Most tips do not charge for gas bottles.
If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to power an ants go-cart a half a lap around a Cheerio - Ron Shirley

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