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Old 29-01-2007, 12:26 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by auslandau
Nothing wrong with talking up, enjoying, being patriotic on where you live? I am sick of people who think they are worse of than everyone else and "I wish I had what ever they've got" mentallity! So when are you leaving? Unlike many other places around the globe..........You are free to leave when ever you like! Yep taxes are too high, sun wrinkles your skin but I am happy......I have a life!
well it cant be too bad , everyone else lives here .

seriously though . it's because they can . and they can still, get the benifits from thier own country, and bring thier ways here, and get our benifits too. perhaps if we aussies could get employment benifits and tax deductions and allowances and or pensions, and release our super to go and live overseas, and get paid for entering thier country. and then have the opportunity . to buy thier land and live there. some more australians . might move away
but hang on a minute . aussies cant do that around the world can they . !!. we'd have to be born over sees and then come to australia to get it so good wouldn't we. hmmmm.i wouldn't judge australia by how many come .i'd look at why they are coming !!!!!
thats onthe one hand on the other hand we do have it all for now . just hope we can keep it that way with our strong values hah. :
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Old 29-01-2007, 03:06 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by robjh80
That would be right, sums it all up really doesn't it.......... "INVASION DAY"..........."Oh but yea, I'll have the day off thanks!!"

Bloody Hyprocrite........"go to work if ya dont like it!!"....... :
i did go to work got double time im happy
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Old 29-01-2007, 03:10 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by XRated
And this is what Australia has come to; people not embracing it and trying to stop things that we call Australian.

Typical, isn't it? You live here, you're fortunate enough to have some of the best living conditions in the world, you drive an Australian car and your on an Australian forum. So if you don't like it: leave.
i love australia born n bred here just dont understand what's so great about australia day though thats all...it's a controversial issue there are several people against it and I am one of them....It's a day the indigenous had their land confiscated
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Old 29-01-2007, 03:14 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by xcgxl
Invasion day!!! Invaded by civilisation,that's what . If you dont like it give up your computer and go live in a humpy.
civilisation is great i love it but I'm sure if you were an indigenous person you wouldn't be able to adapt to western culture....it's easy 4 u 2 say that but you've gotta feel for em
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Old 29-01-2007, 03:35 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by penrith_panther
civilisation is great i love it but I'm sure if you were an indigenous person you wouldn't be able to adapt to western culture....it's easy 4 u 2 say that but you've gotta feel for em
I do feel for them. Especially the little kids being brought up in river beds by parents with serious drinking problems. Maybe you can explain to me why it is Australia's indiginous folk cant adapt? Given where I live and the state of these people, what is the answer?

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Old 29-01-2007, 08:14 AM   #36
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Being Australian is about having your butt raped and torn apart by the Victorian state govenment and the toll road prices..

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Old 29-01-2007, 08:42 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by penrith_panther
i love australia born n bred here just dont understand what's so great about australia day though thats all...it's a controversial issue there are several people against it and I am one of them....It's a day the indigenous had their land confiscated
Well yep we invaded and conquered. And?

It has happened countless times through thousands of years of history all around the world - A stronger country invades another and takes their land. Humans are a tribalistic animal.

Only difference is they normally wipe out the population and certainly dont pay them compensation and apologise to them. I cant stand all the bleeding hearts who whine about it.

Thats life, history has happened. If the aboriginies dont like it they can form an army and take "their" country back - though I am sure they conquered someone else thousands of years ago for it too. Do you think if the Japanese invaded Australia tomorrow they would allow us to live in freedom, pay us compo and pat us on the backs? Yeah right...
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Old 29-01-2007, 08:44 AM   #38
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Being Australian is about oversimplifying the mess that the indigenous population has wound up in!! Blacks blame whites, whites blame blacks... no such thing as the colour grey in our beautiful land
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Old 29-01-2007, 09:53 AM   #39
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Its about blaming everyone else for the situation they find themselves in. Its about people not taking responsibilty for their own actions. Its about people not getting on with living for today but worrying about events 100+ years ago. Its about people who just need to build a bloody bridge!

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Old 29-01-2007, 09:57 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by auslandau
Its about blaming everyone else for the situation they find themselves in. Its about people not taking responsibilty for their own actions. Its about people not getting on with living for today but worrying about events 100+ years ago. Its about people who just need to build a bloody bridge!
They did that at Hindmarsh Island and look at all the problems it caused.
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Old 29-01-2007, 10:54 AM   #41
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man.. im proud to be australian..

if people arent happy with australia, and they live here, well hey.. go find somewhere better to live then! instead of whinging about what you have, why not just be content with it?

It shits me off when i hear about people complaining and whinging about where they are.. especially when people who come here from other countries abuse and treat the people and country inwhich they are living in like crap! So often i see it, im not naming races, naming names or suburbs or anything, but i hear and see it all the time.. if this country is so terrible, why not leave and just go somewhere else? or head back?

In my personal opinion, if you are born here, you are australian.. there is no true "australian" looking person.. if you are black, white, of asian decendant or whatever.. if you are born here, and happy to be here, and go on with "the way" of life.. then you are australian.. if you are proud to be here kudos to you.. if you dont like it, or whatever, why not just leave! go to America, France, China, or another country..?

I'm half chinese and half australian.. my grandparents came over here from china years ago, opened a fish and chip shop, raised a family of 7 kids and brought them up in a "australian" life style.. not the traditional chinese life style like their friends and other relatives did.. they were looked down upon by the rest of their community because of this.. but see, they are proud to have made a life here, and wanted to live it like other aussies did..

anyway.. end rant.. lol..
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Old 29-01-2007, 11:00 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by penrith_panther
civilisation is great i love it but I'm sure if you were an indigenous person you wouldn't be able to adapt to western culture....it's easy 4 u 2 say that but you've gotta feel for em
Penrith_Panther...........I have read the three replies including the one above to comments made by "XRated", xcgxl and myself.

Your responses in my opinion were very mature, non-confrontational and very much to the point, I take my hat off to you.

I for one would hereby like to apologise for my flippant off-the-cuff attitude in my response to your "Invasion Day" comment..........in hindsight is was simply not required, it was unfortunately a "knee-jerk reaction."

It is unfortunate, true and very sad that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in this country still have a long way to go before they can truly become accepted into mainstream society, but how do we make this happen?, "I know that I certainly do not have the answers."

We could talk on this subject for many days and nights I'm sure, this of course is not the forum for that discussion not to mention of course that we would probably much like our politicians just end going around and around in circles as it is such a difficult issue with many views and opinions as to what the answers actually are.

Let's just hope that someday into the future, perhaps not even in our lifetime a resolution or compromise can be achieved.

All the best my friend.
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