Originally Posted by VY18s
Well the cops talk about how dangerous low cars are but they bypass the fact that very high 4WDs are equally as dangerous yet very high 4WDs get away scot free whereas low cars cop the crap.The very high 4WDs should be a defect aswell.
Actually what is the point of driving a 7 foot 4WD in surburban areas? unless you want to go run over cars like a monster tuck.
It could be argued that the "customer base" of 4WD vehicles is quite different to the lowered car "customer base", hence the different driving habits and level of police attention. And yes, I do own a car that is quite low from the factory...
On what facts do you base "Well the cops talk about how dangerous low cars are but they bypass the fact that very high 4WDs are equally as dangerous"?
Any car is dangerous in the hands of an
irresponsible driver.
The argument of 4WD's in the suburbs has been done to death, but some of us actually do use them for dirt/unmade roads, even mundane stuff like towing horse floats - in these circumstances a "7 foot 4WD" (with a V8) comes in quite handy. Whether I live in the suburbs or not is nobody's business.
And what is the connection between lowered cars and running over cars in a monster truck?