Originally Posted by b0son
Because you say its so easy to stay below the limit. I disagree. If you dont prioritise looking at your speedo, its actually very easy to end up over. There's a reason cops love setting up at the bottom of hills..
A few years back, the company I work for fitted IVMS, or In Vehicle Monitoring System to company vehicles. The system monitors and reports exceeding speed limit based on GPS locations (that’s fun when limits are out of date), harsh acceleration/braking and mandatory 2 hour rest pauses. First few years, we had people trying to round up triple trailers out West at 160 overtaking only to get a big please explain within half an hour.
The biggest headache is driving these vehicles in city areas, most employees are compliant but find other driver think they’re idiots, accusing them of brake checking when slowing to 80 and 60 on off ramps- lots of nut jobs out there that don’t understand the system even when explained to them. So yeah, a lot of unmonitored drivers out there are driving roughly 10 kph over the limit pretty much all the time.