Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo
The pandemic is just an excuse for everyone dropping the ball these days, its the go to for 'we actually ****ed up but we're blaming COVID'.
It'll be the year 2122 and people will still be like yeah the reason it took 15 minutes to get your Big Mac to you in the drivethru is because COVID.
When all else fails, blame COVID or couriers.
I’ve noticed something with trades and service industry, they seem to be working slower, like about three quarter pace. A building company fell over here in Brisbane today, basically blamed tradies scalping with ridiculous prices that weren’t sustainable. Maybe overstated but I think everyone sees with their own eyes what going on with their own experiences.
Another one I notice is McDonalds and drive throughs. I remember back twenty odd years ago, it was like push push in those industries, now there’s no older manager driving the kids that just seem to roll along in a dream….