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Old 28-02-2005, 11:29 PM   #91
have you seen my marbles?
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Originally Posted by Axeman82
I said I wasn't going to post again but couldn't help it...

kiwikid, I want to learn the way of the car from you.
Despite my hardest efforts, I am unable to tell from the imperfections in the roads suface and its subtle vibrations, or from the noise of the chirping birds, or the density of air coming through the vents if my car is doing 60 or 61.5 km/h...
i was meaning in the way of an accurate speedo...
comfortably numb...
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Old 28-02-2005, 11:30 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by kiwikid
i was meaning in the way of an accurate speedo...
considering that a new tyre compared to an old tyre can vary the speedo by almost 3kph, its not possible to be that exact.
Older, wiser, poorer.

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Old 28-02-2005, 11:37 PM   #93
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"Aw, people can come up with statistics to prove anything, Kent. 14 percent of all people know that."
that same great mind also said this

"this has purple in it....purple is a fruit"

think about it

lol, that should lighten things in here up a bit :P
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Old 28-02-2005, 11:54 PM   #94
Captain Stubing
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Everyone's starting to get a bit hot under the collar! Ok, 3 k's over the limit isn't fair... I've driven BA Falcon's that have had the analogue speedo(from factory) certified by the police as being 5 k's over the actual speed.
Speed cameras aren't going to go away, only their frequency is going to change - and that's only going to be by a change in government opinion.

We all know that idiots speeding kills people,
even, idiots kill speeding people!

Wherever you live, you have to accept the rules that are laid down for you, or pay the price (complaining and grumbling is an open option)

There are all sorts of defences you can take, like RFI interference (heavy use of radar (aircraft) in the area... and similar...look up how the radar device that caught you works) but it comes down to, in that state, you have to abide by the laws set, or move to a more lenient area.

The avenues of discontention should be directed (in numbers) to the state authoritity. Otherwise, you might as well whistle Dixie!
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Old 01-03-2005, 12:18 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by XRated
Well it made my day! I know it's only his job, but stiff shit - $128 for doing 3km/h over the limit for some people is a day's (or two day's) work.
Don't forget the points lost for doing those three little k's an hour over the limit.
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Old 01-03-2005, 01:03 AM   #96
Well hello Mr Fancypants
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Originally Posted by Axeman82

Speed camera operators are NOT the same as DRUG DEALERS? How can you even make that comparison?

Why paint everyone with the same brush? In other states that don't have the 3km/h tolerance I'm glad there are speed cameras to stop people doing 150km/h on the highway or 80 in 60 zones. Or even 66 in a 60 zone.

i didnt say that speed camera operators are the same as drug dealers. read my post again...CAREFULLY. My point was that the arguement for not removing speed camera operators as there is someone else who will do the same job is the same arguement for not arresting drug dealers. it is crap reasoning.

the rest of my post was humour. you can look that word up in any good dictionary.

as for your arguement about speed cameras STOPPING people from "speeding", complete rubbish. a visible police presence (that is policemen and women in marked cars and bikes) magically makes people observe all of the road rules and display a level of courtesy a camera hidden behind a bush never will. i was fined for doing 68 in a 60 zone at 9.00pm on a tuesday night on a deserted dual carriageway. how did that save my life or anyone elses? i have asked the west australian police minister this same question a year ago and she still hasnt provided a straight reply. why? because, like you, she knows that these cameras have bugger all to do with road safety and everything to do with revenue raising.

your 66 in a 60 zone line is bollocks. as you obviously know, car manufacturers are required by FEDERAL regulations to ensure their speedos are accurate to 10%...the 6kmh you find so valuable. just because some states try to milk it for all it is worth and impose a 3kmh tolerance does not make it right. in fact, i woudl guess that shoudl someone take the Vic government to court over this issue, they would probably win.

i do love cars. i do participate in certain motorsport events. i do love to drive my car fast (but i do so at controlled events).

i do not condone hooning. i dont participate in hooning. i dont do burnouts. i dont get involved in illegal street drag meetings. i also do not like being turned into a criminal because my speed crept over some theoretically 'safe speed' as designated 30 years ago by 8 kmh.
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Old 01-03-2005, 02:25 AM   #97
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Perfect job Xrated. Was funny to read, would have been a ****er to witness.
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Old 01-03-2005, 08:21 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Casper
including the dozen or so letters to MP's and Fedral pollies? Or the ones I'm taking to court to fight? Or the number of emails and letters sent to newspapers, current affairs shows etc stating the case against them and asking for them to do a story on them based on facts? Maybe just the discussions I have with anyone who listens trying to get them to do the same.

Apart form that, not much.

How about you? Just being a lemming and following all the rest off the cliff?
I've always believed that one man can make a difference , and its the first man to get the ball rolling , but in this case , I reckon its a no win .
Your optamism is bordering on delusional and you're on a 1 way street to the rubber room if you think you will ever get the government to change the present laws surrounding speed cameras and the ADR's.
I'd love to think that they listen , but it seems Australia has become a place where minority groups are the winners these days .Think about how many high profile people with undeniable facts have jumped on the speed camera case and the ADR's and look where its got them.

I'll fight a cause if I believe in it to the very end , but you have to know when you're beat , and the Bracks government have shown themselves to be ethically challenged and a bunch of liars.
Think about it . After all this time since their inception and with all the hoo ha , what has changed.

100% of ZERO
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Old 01-03-2005, 08:33 AM   #99
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Originally Posted by Brute33
I've always believed that one man can make a difference , and its the first man to get the ball rolling , but in this case , I reckon its a no win .
Your optamism is bordering on delusional and you're on a 1 way street to the rubber room if you think you will ever get the government to change the present laws surrounding speed cameras and the ADR's.
I'd love to think that they listen , but it seems Australia has become a place where minority groups are the winners these days .Think about how many high profile people with undeniable facts have jumped on the speed camera case and the ADR's and look where its got them.

I'll fight a cause if I believe in it to the very end , but you have to know when you're beat , and the Bracks government have shown themselves to be ethically challenged and a bunch of liars.
Think about it . After all this time since their inception and with all the hoo ha , what has changed.

100% of ZERO
No arguement there... but I will continue to fight for what is truth. History has shown that, given enough time, truth will always win out in the end.
I may not see it for a long time but it will happen.

Regardless, I refuse to be a lemming that gives up and bends over. Wrong is wrong and I'll fight it to my last breath.

When a man can enter a womans home, rape her, admit it, and walk out of court a free man...yet a person doing 3kph is punished and treated as a criminal then I know that the system I am opposing is so wrong I cannnot, in good faith, do anything but fight it every day.
Older, wiser, poorer.

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Old 01-03-2005, 09:59 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by Axeman82
Why paint everyone with the same brush? In other states that don't have the 3km/h tolerance I'm glad there are speed cameras to stop people doing 150km/h on the highway or 80 in 60 zones. Or even 66 in a 60 zone.
Sorry, but speed cameras do not stop people from doing 150km/h or 80 in 60 zones!!!
Sure, they will get a notice in the mail but by then it could be too late, the damage has already been done. Speed camera's make money, simple as that. If you want people to slow down just have more marked police cars on the road. How often do you drive along and all of a sudden everyone is hitting the brakes and find up the road a cop car is sitting there?

Nothing prevents excessive speed than police presence. A hidden camera can't stop someone if they can't see it.
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Old 01-03-2005, 10:04 AM   #101
Captain Stubing
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Originally Posted by Casper
When a man can enter a womans home, rape her, admit it, and walk out of court a free man...yet a person doing 3kph is punished and treated as a criminal then I know that the system I am opposing is so wrong I cannnot, in good faith, do anything but fight it every day.
Now THAT is something I totally agree with! There is no parity in sentencing. 3kph over the limit is nothing compared to what most oxygen thieves get away with!
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Old 01-03-2005, 11:14 AM   #102
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Originally Posted by Casper
No arguement there... but I will continue to fight for what is truth. History has shown that, given enough time, truth will always win out in the end.
I may not see it for a long time but it will happen.

Regardless, I refuse to be a lemming that gives up and bends over. Wrong is wrong and I'll fight it to my last breath.

When a man can enter a womans home, rape her, admit it, and walk out of court a free man...yet a person doing 3kph is punished and treated as a criminal then I know that the system I am opposing is so wrong I cannnot, in good faith, do anything but fight it every day.
Good onya Casper. Gotta like a man who sticks to his guns and fights on pure principle
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