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Go Back   Australian Ford Forums > General Topics > Ford Forums Central > Site Support > Can we change the FF logo?

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View Poll Results: Should we change the FF logo?
-=FoRdEseries=-, 1TUFXR, 2fishingdogs, 351fly, 5.4 GT, 5StarUniforms, AMT, andrewts, apolloxbgt, asusdragon, Auslandau, Aussie Falcon, AussieJason, a_misfit, BAGTP454, bartaxr8, BAxtER, bbcoupe, BigAL_250, big_pete, bingoTE50, BLKPHN, blue lightening, BlueKoop, blueoval, BlueRaven, bluezl, boss-290, Bucknaked, Cam, Campo81, Chuggwald, Citizen, csv8, Daniel351, daniel_rossy, Danny, Darkr, DarkXr, data_mine, Dave R, Daymoe, daz82, Deadman, dean04ba, DEVL-XR, dishpig, drracing108, EA2BA, EASYBOSS, EDXRSIX, EFFII, elgt146, Elks, Elmo, ExAreSix, exrtnz, F6T, Falcon Coupe, Falcon Freak, falzoony, fastlane, FDG 220, FITZY469, FordACE, fordlova8, ford_17, Ford_V8, fou_bleu, FPV8U, freedom::blue, Geez Louise, Geoff EL 4.0, GlennBA, Grechie, gregg_13, GS608, GSfalcon500, GT0336, Hardtopxb, HLC, Hoffa, holmsy, HOON69, ILLaViTaR, JACK250, JAMIEM, Jase_Boss, Jason50, jason_85, JBomb3000, JD86, johnny351, JOSH, juksta, jweb, Kev_BLNXR8_Ute, kocho, Kommandant, kremmen, Loq, LOWAU, lukey, LUXO_8, Macca23, mad-ef, MAGPIE, matt-chops, Matthew, matthews, melbzetec, melon466, Melz, MISTA FIESTA, mk2maniac, monkeydog, MotherNatureVer2, mrxy8, ms33, mwoo1612, nackercam, NC5L, Neoxr6, nlfbt8, opium, ORSMF6, partzkid, Pazza, phill_33, photn, R0BD0G, Racecraft, rag top, Raptor, Rastus, RED FGII, RG, RIPGMH, RJO89, Rooster, RPO83, RScort, Sapper, satria, Scareybear, schmidty, schnoods, Seano, seano14, sfr rob, SHIFTN, sikzk, Simmo, Snakey Jake, SNGT, SP Ken, stang01, Steve D, SupahStah, svo347, syco26, TadKa, tankclare, ten[A]cio[U]s, The Monty, The Stylist, the_scotsman, tickin, Toolman, Tribal, TUF514, Van D, vandrsxr6, Venomous, Walkinshaw, Werd., whiskieboy, WizBang, xbandrew, XCSEDAN, XM-221, xm_coupe, XPcoupe, XR-6002, XR5-Boy, XR6Bandit, XR8 Uterous, XRated, xrfalcon, XRNIL8, XWildGT, XYGTHO, [Tonko], |||
197 73.51%
No 71 26.49%
Voters: 268.

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