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REDAUXR6II 23-10-2007 10:49 AM

Engine squeal
Hey All,

I have a problem with the XR6, every time I start the car I get a loud squeal, much like a stuffed fan belt, I have had the fan belt changed to eliminate that but the squeal remains.

Every time I turn on the aircon the noise dies down a little bit.

Would I be safe in assuming that I need my aircon re-gassed?

FGII-XR6 23-10-2007 10:52 AM

you need the tensioner reco'd or replaced

REDAUXR6II 23-10-2007 10:54 AM

is that the belt tensioner?

james22 23-10-2007 10:55 AM

Check your pulleys. Bearing are probably stuffed. Sounds like one of them may be on their way out. Tensioner pulley tends to be a bit of a culprit. Start your car, and (carefully) use a long screwdriver like a stethoscope to find where the noise is coming from.

james22 23-10-2007 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by REDAUXR6II
is that the belt tensioner?


REDAUXR6II 23-10-2007 10:59 AM

Cheers, will check this arvo

What should tensioner pulley cost me to replace?

sly 23-10-2007 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by REDAUXR6II
Hey All,

I have a problem with the XR6, every time I start the car I get a loud squeal, much like a stuffed fan belt, I have had the fan belt changed to eliminate that but the squeal remains.

Every time I turn on the aircon the noise dies down a little bit.

LOL exactly the same on my Courier once, until one day the Mrs rings me complaining that it made a funny noise and is down on power. Got home from work, lifted the bonnet & found 2 plug leads sheared in half and no A/C belt.

Looked like the bearings or clutch in the A/C compressor were stuffed & the belt chafed on the pulley until it snapped... taking out the plug leads on the way!

If your tensioner & idler pulleys check out OK, that'd be the next place I'd look.

REDAUXR6II 23-10-2007 11:26 AM

just to clear something up, are the tensioner pulleys and the idler pulleys one in the same?

GK 23-10-2007 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by james22
Check your pulleys. Bearing are probably stuffed. Sounds like one of them may be on their way out. Tensioner pulley tends to be a bit of a culprit. Start your car, and (carefully) use a long screwdriver like a stethoscope to find where the noise is coming from.

May I add my caution to be careful to Jame's?

Think carefully before you decide where you're going to place the screwdriver and where moving parts will be in relation to both the screwdriver and your hair, clothing and any jewellery you may be wearing.

It's soooooo easy to get focussed on isolating a noise etc, that you temporarily lose the safety focus.

All the best with it.


REDAUXR6II 23-10-2007 11:44 AM


So are the tensioner and idler pulleys the same pulleys? I ask cause I have had the idler pulleys changed.

NC1183 23-10-2007 05:06 PM

The tensioner and idler pully are on the tensioner unit, i got both pullies for about $50, or could get the whole unit inc. pullies for a couple of hundred

wazza69 23-10-2007 05:40 PM

I have the same problem, i thought, until i got all pulleys replaced and still does it - had a listen and it seems to be coming from inside the timing cover... any ideas what it could be?

DoreSlamR 23-10-2007 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by wazza69
I have the same problem, i thought, until i got all pulleys replaced and still does it - had a listen and it seems to be coming from inside the timing cover... any ideas what it could be?

mate, is your car a V8? if it is i had the EXACT same problem, to make sure its not a pulley, take the serpantine belt off and start the car (only do it for a short while) if the squeek is still there then you got what i had.

I will quote what is written on my bill from ford:

Attend to squeak in front of motor. Diagnostic traced to CMP Sensor shaft squeaking, removed cleaned & lubed. refit, checked OK.

They told me to monitor it, if it returns then they say i need to replace the CMP sensor unit, and they aren't cheap.

hope this helps you out.

FGII-XR6 23-10-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by DoreSlamR
mate, is your car a V8?

it is an XR6

sly 23-10-2007 11:01 PM

CMP (Cam position sensor) may be similar in the 6 to the V8. Up to & including the AU, the CMP mounts on a dummy shaft fitted where the camshaft was on the old 250. I wouldn't rule it out.

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