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BFD83 23-11-2007 10:33 AM

BA Pedals onto AU
hey guys, i really wanna get the aluminum pedals that are on the b-series XR models but i'm not sure if they fit onto the AU pedals properly or am i wrong?


au^dude 23-11-2007 10:54 AM

I remember someone doin it on here. But you need to cut the pedals down a little.

TE50 027 23-11-2007 01:35 PM

Yep. I fitted them to my TE50 auto. I had to grind the brake pedal down a bit and shave a little off the throttle pedal though. I used sikaflex to hold them on and needed a small threaded bolt for the brake pedal. There's a decent write up on here somewhere on how to do it.
Got the pedals off ebay for about $90 last year.

ClassicAU 23-11-2007 01:47 PM

Gees, they dont look half bad! How do you find the grip under foot on the TE50 compared to the old one? I find that I do tend to slip off mine, especially when my souls are wet.
Would the manual pedals be harder to fit? There is a few sets up on ebay at the moment. I am considering doing this myself.


ronwest 23-11-2007 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by TE50 027
Yep. I fitted them to my TE50 auto. I had to grind the brake pedal down a bit and shave a little off the throttle pedal though. I used sikaflex to hold them on and needed a small threaded bolt for the brake pedal. There's a decent write up on here somewhere on how to do it.

I did the same... can't find an individual pic but you can see it here:-

I think it was JC who did the write up. Maybe a search of his posts will find it.

poolkeeper 23-11-2007 05:19 PM

Does the accelerator still have the pivot type movement with these? or is it a solid mount?

schuldiner 23-11-2007 07:29 PM

i fitted those on my ute just the other day, pedal still pivots and you have to cut away one side of each pedal about 5mm and 15-20mm from top and/or bottom of accelerator probably wouldn't bother drilling the hole as they sit on quite firmly without the screw, as your original pedals do.

BFD83 23-11-2007 11:49 PM

thanks for the tip guys! i really do wanna get em on! how much do they cost from ford?

StealthAu 24-11-2007 07:22 AM

Sorry guys, but they just look butchered. I would rather have plain Jane au pedals then ones that have so obviously been chopped up to fit.

schuldiner 24-11-2007 07:26 AM

dont know of the cost from ford but i believe it could be quiet dear, if they are FTG auto salvage sell them for $125 a pair, they also have an online store on ebay for you interstate buyers. stockoau, it's the original pedal that is hacked away at if you do it well then nobody will notice...

StealthAu 24-11-2007 07:32 AM

In the picture above it looks hacked, left side of the accelerator and just the brake pedal in general.

TE50 027 24-11-2007 10:10 AM

I find there's a bit more grip with them even with wet soles.

ronwest 24-11-2007 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by stockoau
In the picture above it looks hacked, left side of the accelerator and just the brake pedal in general.

Here's a pre-fitted pic of mine - I think they are BA1's.
I'd say that TE50 027's are a later model and they've put extra wear pads on them.

TE50 027 24-11-2007 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by ronwest
I'd say that TE50 027's are a later model and they've put extra wear pads on them.

Yep, mine are the BF one's. Hence the Ford emblem on them. They're also available with an FPV emblem but I figured the Ford was more suitable for an AU.
Correction to my original post I actually paid $115. There were dodgy rip offs on ebay for $90.

JC 24-11-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by stockoau
In the picture above it looks hacked, left side of the accelerator and just the brake pedal in general.

I think you are looking to find faults that just aren't there. BA pedals are great on any car - they fit EB through to AU with minor mods to the existing pedals.

StealthAu 24-11-2007 07:47 PM

The ones posted by Ronwest look good, but the first ones pictured looked hacked. I'm not looking to find faults just giving my opinion, they may have been fitted for feel and not looks.

TE50 027 25-11-2007 09:12 PM

Not sure if it's the angle the pic was taken on or your just being a bit critical but on the car the pedals look fine.

StealthAu 25-11-2007 09:40 PM

Its probably just how they are, but on the left edge of the go pedal it looks like it been cut down. Same with the right of the brake, I preffer the look of the other set pictured

Peuty 26-11-2007 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by stockoau
Its probably just how they are, but on the left edge of the go pedal it looks like it been cut down. Same with the right of the brake, I preffer the look of the other set pictured

I think you will find that thats just how they are...

Correct me if I'm wrong.

TE50 027 26-11-2007 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by stockoau
Its probably just how they are, but on the left edge of the go pedal it looks like it been cut down. Same with the right of the brake, I preffer the look of the other set pictured

The accelerator pedal itself was slightly shaved but only due to the fact that the inside of the alloy pedal has a slight taper. It's shape is exactly the same as the factory pedal it covers, just a bit wider and taller. As for the brake pedal, it is exactly the same as the one in the other photo, just with extra little rubber pads on the side. I think you may be confusing the square rubber pads on the edge of the BF alloy pedals with the BA ones which don't have pads on the edge of the pedal. The alloy pedals are not touched, only the original pedals which the alloys cover.

StealthAu 26-11-2007 08:27 PM

Yeah its just how they are, I preffer the BA ones over the BF. Can you get an alloy cover for the foot rest aswell?

RoSsSy 26-11-2007 08:33 PM

check out my AU

StealthAu 26-11-2007 08:45 PM

Nice looking car mate, welcome aboard. Start a thread with a few more pics and details

TE50 027 26-11-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by stockoau
Yeah its just how they are, I preffer the BA ones over the BF. Can you get an alloy cover for the foot rest aswell?

Fair enough. Don't think there's an alloy footrest available. Might have to make one up.

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