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QIK006 03-05-2011 10:04 PM

GT-P Or XR6T ?
Will be having a poke down Willowbank tomorrow night, and have been stirring up a mate about how slow His GT-P is... Well, this isnt the 1st time my mouth has gotten me into trouble, at least I will be walking away with all of my teeth :bully

The question I have is, how close do you think it will be and who will win?

Both are early 2010 Fg's, both have around 23000km on the clock, the XR6T is the way it left the factory (except for the No Plates) and the GT-P has a Growler Cold Air & a big mouth snorkel, nothing else.

Let me know your thoughts, and hopefully will be able to put a video up as thanks... Timesheets at the bare minimum.

FreddyDUZ747 03-05-2011 10:10 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
The turbo should,I mean will take the cake if the steerer is adequate lol.

Dave R 03-05-2011 10:17 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Both auto = XR6T.

If the XR6T is manual it could be interesting.

GTpilot 03-05-2011 10:19 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
*SIGH* - Here we go again!

QIK006 03-05-2011 11:19 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
both Auto.... Not trying to stir up a bunch of **** here, Just wondering how much crap I will be given if I have my *** handed to me

Dave R 03-05-2011 11:23 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by QIK006
both Auto.... Not trying to stir up a bunch of **** here, Just wondering how much crap I will be given if I have my *** handed to me

Your *** will certainly not be handed to you, both being auto and assuming you are capable of selecting performance mode, stalling up a little and letting her rip, the GTP owner will be seeing your tail lights all night. The fastest time I've seen recorded from a stock FG turbo (G6ET) is 12.6, if you crack a 12 you will be laughing. Take your spare tyre out too!

1TUFFUTE 03-05-2011 11:26 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
most will agree the turbo is ussually the quickest but its allso the cheapest so hell do it in style and comfort and still be extremely respectable.But in street trim and at a track it could be very close.

And for the tools saying (here we go again is disrespecting the people and cars who dont get on here to get opinions all the time. Not to mention everybodys car can be different and will certainly be driven diff. So if you dont have anything to say dont waste your breathe.:doh

landau460 04-05-2011 05:40 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
i would say GTP would win with nothing in it or (in horse racing call) wins by a nose. Put them on a circuit would be the GTP easy.

GTP owner 04-05-2011 07:00 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
xr6t easy win in a straight line. GTP for an easy win on a circuit or through some twisty bits

geckoGT 04-05-2011 07:17 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
No question at all, given equal drivers, equal fuel load and spare in/out on both the XR6T will stomp on the GT-P by a good 0.5-1 seconds.

Cheech 04-05-2011 08:43 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
With equal launches and comparable tyres XR6T should win by 0.5-1 sec & higher trap speed by 3-5mph.

Make sure you check that your post turbo hose clamps are tightened up as I know of some cars that have been loosing boost through loose clamps.

MexicanBatman 04-05-2011 08:49 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
I only race for pinks ;)

Please don't forget to post up both your results!

Quick pm that boosted dude I think his was one of the fastest stock FGt's around way faster than mine even when I was tuned, it's all in the launch, no need to strip your car get a good 60ft and it's 12..9s easy

Good luck and have fun, I always do at the strip, sometimes too much

Smoke Pursuit 04-05-2011 09:06 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Depends how good you can drive, but the Turbo should be half a second quicker then the V8...

If hes a better driver then you and can launch the v8 properly then he will beat you.

munners 04-05-2011 09:43 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Good luck with your run, looking forward to seeing the time sheets.


QIK006 04-05-2011 11:48 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
I ran 13.3, The GTP Ran 14.1 :( Will get a copy of the timeslips up tomorrow

MexicanBatman 05-05-2011 12:00 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Congrats, belted him! Now make excuses too like and I was just taking it easy too, you don't think I was flat-out do you LOL, watch out though, next week his car will sound different, then you find out he's spent 20k on it and it's now got 500kw and wants a rematch LOL

geckoGT 05-05-2011 03:02 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by QIK006
I ran 13.3, The GTP Ran 14.1 :( Will get a copy of the timeslips up tomorrow

Yours has probably got more than that in it, I was running 13.3 in my BF phoon and FG XR6 T's were beating me last time I was at the track.

Fev 05-05-2011 09:47 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Awesome times for a standard XR6T! Nice job, must have been a great run

GTpilot 05-05-2011 10:00 AM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by 1TUFFUTE
most will agree the turbo is ussually the quickest but its allso the cheapest so hell do it in style and comfort and still be extremely respectable.But in street trim and at a track it could be very close.

And for the tools saying (here we go again is disrespecting the people and cars who dont get on here to get opinions all the time. Not to mention everybodys car can be different and will certainly be driven diff. So if you dont have anything to say dont waste your breathe.:doh

Yeah...Right!! :notworthy

QIK006 05-05-2011 06:48 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by geckoGT
Yours has probably got more than that in it.

I think with a better launch, I will be good for at least a 13.0 maybe even quicker

as Jaime (Car 400, ran 13.1's and I was running higher speeds at the traps)

Will post some videos once they are put on Youtube, On the last run, I smoked an R8 Ute... and the burnout I did was into 5th gear so there was a wee bit of smoke too, hoping the camera caught the whole lot :)

Car 391 = 2010 FG GT-P
Car 399 = 2010 FG XR6T
Car 400 = 2011 FG XR50T

Road Games 05-05-2011 07:05 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
OXR 677 ? XR50 ??....In Sunburst ???

QIK006 05-05-2011 07:07 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Yep.... That Jaime :)

Road Games 05-05-2011 07:10 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Cool i packed up before you ran sorry ....

Polyal 05-05-2011 07:14 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Jeez I knew FG XR6T's where quick but be an unhappy GTP owner. Mind you driving technique and practice can make a huge difference.

I would have thought a 5.4 315 would get a 13.5 with a ZF pretty easily.

MR.BA.GT.332 05-05-2011 07:41 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
im finding this quite interesting thread actually.

Just out of curiousity, i know driver techniques etc are a factor, but what about the weight differences between the GTP & XR6T? those 5.4's are a heavy donk compaired to the 6's, so even tho it has more peak grunt, the XR6T i assume has a lighter tare weight and if im not mistaken, more torque? I can see how the XR6T is a quicker package and reading some stock XR6T's dipping into the 12's, thats impressive IMO

QIK006 05-05-2011 07:41 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by XR6menace
Cool i packed up before you ran sorry ....

i nearly got packed up before I ran too, got booted from the lights the 1st time I staged, I was leaking water everywhere apparently!!!

SpoolMan 05-05-2011 07:55 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by QIK006

Plenty more left in that work on the 60 foot.
13.1 no problem you have the MPH for it, you need to fix the 60 foot..

Fireblade 05-05-2011 08:02 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?

Originally Posted by mr_460bigblock
im finding this quite interesting thread actually.

Just out of curiousity, i know driver techniques etc are a factor, but what about the weight differences between the GTP & XR6T? those 5.4's are a heavy donk compaired to the 6's, so even tho it has more peak grunt, the XR6T i assume has a lighter tare weight and if im not mistaken, more torque? I can see how the XR6T is a quicker package and reading some stock XR6T's dipping into the 12's, thats impressive IMO

Not just weight of the engine but all the other electricals and stuff that the GT-P has over the XR6T that would also weigh it down, good times anyway, well done.

Cheech 05-05-2011 08:06 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Peak torque of 533nm in the XR6T happens between 1900-4750 rpm (270kw@5250 rpm)
Peak torque of 551nm in GT-P occurs at 4750 rpm (315kw@6500 rpm)

Basically the turbo six produces more power in the all important mid-range. They can be a little slow off the mark as they don't have the immediate torque of the V8, but once it hits 1900 rpm the torque & power curve swings into the favour of the turbo.

This is only my opinion, but in a drag situation the mid-range power/torque is going to be more important than the peak power figure that is reached usually high in the rev range. So whilst the GT-P has higher torque and KW figures, the turbo has a better mid-range that has the GT-P covered.

Road Games 05-05-2011 08:17 PM

Re: GT-P Or XR6T ?
Just to confirm how stunning that 13.3 was ... i couldnt run quicker than a 15.2 and after i finished throwing my toys out of the cot a friend who i run around Springbrook with in his much modified Mazda MPS went 15.3 and to actually make me smile i watched a 307 VE R8 run 16.1 with as much wheelspin as i had ! :conf

Still traction is key and the Focus that went 14.2 @ 102 had me scratching my head .. NO way could i put power down last night ...:doh

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