I noticed when doing the elec window conversions that when placing the led with the rubber base back onto the pins, it was important to tuck the + wire leading from the led from under the rubber base leading to the resistor off to the side , so there was no chance of that tucked off to the side + wire from the led before the resistor cutting accross the top of the 12v pins protruding slightly aboue the rubber base once it was mounted , it was close ! - if that toutches across it will jump the resistor and pump a full 12-13.8v into the led and obviouslly blow it .
Also make sure its not tucked too far off to the side, or the wiring will catch on 1 of those plastic white legs that hang off the actual plastic buttons/switches ( the part/button you clip back on after you have done the conversion ).
I sorta jamed the possitive wire into the side of the rubber base leading to the resistor , keep it clear of the top of the base where the pins protrude slightlly .
Might help ya problems , gl . ;) .